Stone and Ceramics Filter Press

Filter Presses Australia - FilquipFilquip is a supplier of filter presses for the Stone, Ceramics and Tile cutting industries. The filter press allows solids/liquids seperation of the suspended fines in the cutting water. The filtered cutting water can then be run through a final polishing filter or used directly back into the cutting wash water directly.

  • Pressing force up to 20MPa.
  • PP filter plates for corrosion resistance and elevated temperatures up to 70DegC.

Filquip also supplies filter press cloths in many varieties and sizes to suit your application.



Filter Presses Australia

Filter Presses Australia - FilquipFilquip is a supplier of filter presses and systems. The filter press allows solids/liquids seperation of suspended fines with recovery of the solids product in the form of pressed cake plates.

  • Pressing force up to 20MPa.
  • PP filter plates for corrosion resistance and elevated temperatures up to 70DegC.

Filquip also supplies filter press cloths in many varieties and sizes to suit your application.

Seperation of cement fines from reclaimed concrete truck wash water – Filquip Filter Press

Filquip has recently completed trials of its Filter Press units on the washRemoving suspended solids with filter pressFilter Press
out water from concrete trucks. The concrete returned from the job to the batch plant is washed out of the agitator truck into a pit or concrete reclaimer system (See WAM Consep concrete reclaimer). The wash water is separated from the sands and aggregates but contains suspended solids preventing it from being discharged to the sewer or re-used in concrete production.

A three plate trial Filquip filter press was setup and processed 3.6m3/hr of the reclaimed water slurry separating the suspended fines out.

Filtering the reclaimed water reduces the costs of using vacuum trucks to clean out the settled solids in tanks.

Open presentation ” Seperation of cement fines from reclaimed concrete truck wash water – Filquip Filter Press”